Water Resources on Gateway Review Registers
Water Resources is pleased to announce that its Principal, Russell Paton has, after completing OGC-accredited training, been registered in a number of States as a Gateway Review Team Member.
Depending on the capital costs or risk associated with a project, a project’s progress and quality may be assessed via a series of gateway reviews by independent reviewers. These reviews help ensure that the project (and associated investment) meets strategic objectives and achieves value for money.
In 2001, the United Kingdom’s Office of Government Commerce (OGC) developed and implemented the OGC Gateway™ Process (Gateway) for application across major government programs and projects. State Governments including Queensland has adopted the use of Gateway for major infrastructure programs and projects.
Gateway reviews employ a small team of independent experts to examine major programs or projects at key decision points. They help identify opportunities to improve the delivery of programs and project and to ensure the best possible outcome.
Further information about the Queensland Treasury project assessment framework and Gateway Reviews can be found here.