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A selection of projects we have undertaken

Seqwater Capital Planning Framework Review
Seqwater maintain a sophisticated capital planning program that underpins the Water Security Program for Southeast Queensland. Seqwater engaged Water Resources to undertake a review of current capital planning processes and, in close liaison with the Seqwater team, map the current planning approach to confirm its suitability and adequacy, thereby providing a higher degree of confidence in their forward capital spend.

Rubyanna Effluent Reuse Scheme
The Bundaberg Regional Council are developing a wastewater reuse strategy to better utilise Class A treated effluent from the Rubyanna Sewage Treatment Plant that is currently being disposed of to the Burnett River. Water Resources was engaged by Council to determine the feasibility of establishing a reuse scheme with local irrigators. The project included demand surveys with local growers, development of a concept design for a distribution pipeline, generation of associated CAPEX and OPEX estimates, calculation of supply tariffs, assessment of capacity to pay for local crop types, and planning to take the project to the next stage of development.

Regional Water Assessments
The Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW) is undertaking Regional Water Assessment in three project areas across Queensland including the Tablelands, Bundaberg and Burnett, and Southern and Darling Downs. Once complete, the assessments will set out how existing infrastructure, new infrastructure and non-infrastructure solutions can be used to maximise water supply in each area and drive economic growth. Water Resources was engaged by the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW) to support the Department prepare scoping documents, and provide expert opinion to develop the RWA's.

Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday Regional Water Strategy
The Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3) is an independent body that represents the Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday region. GW3 drives and supports regional economic development through advocacy, collaboration and strategic decision making underpinned by analysis. The economy of the Mackay, Isaac, Whitsunday region is highly dependent on reliable, sustainable and cost-effective access to water and water infrastructure. Water Resources partnered with Aither to develop the Mackay, Isaac, Whitsunday (MIW) Regional Water Strategy for the Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3). It is an action-oriented strategy, underpinned by sound data and analysis, which aligns with the Queensland policy and infrastructure development context, and builds on and reflects stakeholder input. The Strategy identified high priority options that facilitate the efficient and productive use of water to grow and diversify the MIW region and economy.

Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline
In response to the impacts of the recent drought on Warwick and Stanthorpe, the Department of Regional Development Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW) commissioned Seqwater to progress the proposed Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline to a shovel ready state.
The 93km long pipeline is a raw water supply to four Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) towns enroute, drought contingency supply to Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) and to minimise bring forward ancillary treatment costs at TRC.
Water Resources partnered with Ranbury to work with DRDMW to perform an Independent Peer Review of the Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline. Water Resources performed the engineering assessment of the project and assessment of the proposed pipeline’s impacts on the town water supply arrangements.

Hughenden Irrigation Project
The Hughenden Irrigation Project (HIP) is a scheme proposed by active local proponents for the Flinders River near Hughenden that includes a suite of bulk water infrastructure and distribution infrastructure to provide irrigation water to new farming enterprises adjacent to the Flinders River near Hughenden.
To provide a reliable water supply it is proposed to build a 110 GL off-stream storage on the northern side of the Flinders River. Water from the river will be diverted by gravity via a channel from a weir located at Alderley Crossing. Jacobs was engaged to complete a Detailed Business Case (DBC) for the scheme. Water Resources developed the preliminary design of the water supply infrastructure for the DBC.

Fred Haigh Dam Comprehensive Risk Assessment
Fred Haigh Dam, also known as Monduran Dam, supplies water to the Bundaberg Irrigation Area and for urban and industrial development in the region. The dam consists of of an embankment dam with a concrete spillway which discharges into an unlined rock chute. The unlined chute has suffered scour under modest spills , and severe scour is expected under larger events.
Jacobs was engaged by Sunwater to perform a Comprehensive Risk Assessment (CRA) for the Fred Haigh Dam. Water Resources lead the scour assessment of the unlined spillway chute and review of the CRA and preliminary design of the upgrade works.
Jacobs was engaged by Sunwater to perform a Comprehensive Risk Assessment (CRA) for the Fred Haigh Dam. Water Resources lead the scour assessment of the unlined spillway chute and review of the CRA and preliminary design of the upgrade works.

Bradfield Scheme Technical Assessment
In 1938, prominent engineer Sir John Bradfield proposed a scheme (referred to as the Bradfield Scheme) to capture the water of tropical North Queensland and divert it west across the Great Dividing Range to open vast new swathes of the state for irrigation. In September 2020, the government announced the establishment of the Bradfield Regional Assessment and Development Panel (Panel) to assess the financial, economic, environmental, social and technical viability of Bradfield like-concepts. Water Resources was engaged by DRDMW to review feasibility studies completed for the scheme and conduct a technical assessment of the studies.

Burdekin Falls Dam Projects Business Cases
Water Resources has partnered with RPS to work with Building Queensland and in collaboration with Sunwater to deliver the Burdekin Falls Dam Improvement Project and Burdekin Falls Dam Raising Project Detailed Business Cases. Water Resources is managing aspects of the business cases development including identification of required chapters, coordination with stakeholders and advisors for input, authoring allocated chapters and coordination of assurance activities in compliance with Business Queensland frameworks.

Gilbert River Irrigation Project
Etheridge Shire Council proposes to facilitate the construction of an irrigation scheme on the upper Gilbert River. The proposed scheme concept involves constructing a dam situated on ‘Green Hills’ and distributing approximately 200,000 ML/a to an irrigation area of at least 20,000ha downstream of the dam. The Detailed Business Case (DBC) is crucial to both the acquisition of the water allocation and attracting investment from the public and private sectors. ESC engaged Jacobs to deliver the DBC and Water Resources developed the preliminary design and costing estimate for the Dam to support the DBC.

Macquarie Valley Priority Catchment Project
Jacobs was engaged by the WaterNSW to undertake a needs analysis, options assessment, and preliminary business case for the Macquarie Valley Priority Catchment Project. The preliminary objectives of the study is to identify, analyse and recommend preferred options to address water supply related issues in the Macquarie Valley. Water Resources performed a desktop review of water supply options to filter information for an MCA and developed a concept design and cost estimate of the shortlisted options.

Water Trading Platform
SunWater, as Queenslands primary vehicle for delivery of water in regional Queensland and the largest supplier of regulated water entitlements, the adoption of an online water trading platform which is available to all market participants is considered paramount to providing free ‘live’ trading data. Water Resources managed the selection of a water exchange and the implementation of SunWater’s available water allocations on a water trading platform.

SunWater Regional Blueprint
Water Resources, in partnership with Sunwater, Frank Innovation and Aither delivered the Sunwater Regional Blueprint – the first of its kind in Queensland. The Sunwater Regional Blueprint will outline Sunwater’s long term strategy to achieve increased availability of water in areas currently serviced through its Water Supply Schemes. The results of this innovative project to date are demonstrating the value of economics, combined with long-term scenario planning, in helping to shape decision-making that will position Sunwater to continue to meet the needs of its customers and maximise the value of infrastructure investments over the short, medium and long term.

Cloncurry River Dam
MITEZ was awarded NWIDF funding to conduct a strategic investigation of the potential benefits of a new water storage in the Cloncurry-Mt Isa region. Jacobs was engaged to complete the strategic investigation comprised of a preliminary business case (PBC) and a subsequent detailed business case (DBC) of the preferred option. Water Resources performed a review of the engineering sections of the PBC and developed the preliminary design of the Cloncurry River Dam for the DBC.

Burdekin Channel Capacity Upgrade
There are unused water allocations available within the Burdekin-Haughton Water Supply Scheme as a result of the development of the Burdekin Falls Dam. One of the impediments to the use of the existing unallocated water and any future new water is the constraints of the water conveyance system. Water Resources was engaged to project manage a feasibility study investigating the channel capacity limitations, and what augmentation of the channel system would be required to facilitate the use of the available water allocations.

Teemburra Dam Comprehensive Risk Assessment
SunWater has performed an assessment of its 19 regulated dams to review their condition and compliance with current Queensland and Australian guidelines, and has identified a program of work needed to ensure they meet these guidelines. The Teemburra Dam is included within this program and Jacobs was engaged to complete a Comprehensive Risk Assessment (CRA) for the dam. Water Resources lead the review of the previous Dam Safety Review and is currently leading the CRA and Preliminary Design of the upgrade works.

Galilee Basin Water Supply
The Galilee Basin is a vast, undeveloped thermal coal resource located west of the Bowen Basin. A number of coal mining proponents propose large-scale export thermal coal mines on the eastern proximity of the basin (in the vicinity of the township of Alpha). Proponents must secure a sufficient and reliable water supply for their mines and the associated infrastructure. Water Resources was engaged to perform a demand assessment, water supply options assessment, design, cost estimate and risk assessment for the preferred common water supply solution.

Atherton Tablelands Irrigation Scheme
A study was completed to examine viable options for multi-purpose water use in the Upper Herbert catchment to drive sustained expansion of the agriculture base, and deliver economic benefit to the region.Preliminary Business Case analysis of the options using the Building Queensland Framework for water options was performed. Water Resources was engaged as a strategic advisor for the project and delivered specialist investigation, planning, engineering design, and cost estimates to support the development of a business case for the dams, weirs, and off-stream storages.

Queensland Bulk Water Supply Opportunities
SunWater is preparing the future strategy for bulk water security in regional Queensland with an aim of get the right balance between better using the bulk water infrastructure they already have and committing to new projects for the future. Water Resources was engaged to provide consulting services to identify and summarize bulk water supply opportunities throughout regional Queensland. The developed register lists all known water supply projects, key attributes, benefits and limitations.

Bundaberg Channel Capacity Upgrade
Unused water allocations available from the development of the Paradise Dam have created an opportunity to utilise this valuable asset for prosperity within the Wide Bay Burnett region. Water Resources was engaged to project manage a feasibility study which examines the availability of potential irrigation expansion areas, including identification of potential customers accompanied by engineering studies to determine the optimal methods of water conveyance to these areas, including costs and financial modelling. An assessment between existing water prices and Paradise Dam water was also undertaken to develop an appropriate approach to water pricing in the future.
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