Water Resources on APEC Engineer Register
Water Resources is today pleased to announce that its Principal, Russell Paton, has been accepted for registration as an APEC Engineer.
The APEC Engineer Register is an initiative of the Commonwealth Department of Education Science and Training (formerly DETYA) and Engineers Australia, to facilitate employment opportunities for professional engineers in the Asia-Pacific Region. Engineers on the APEC Register have their competence recognised by APEC and International member economies. This is of particular benefit to engineering firms such as Water Resources who can provide services to other APEC and International member economies.
An APEC Engineer is defined as a person who is recognized as a professional engineer within an APEC economy such as Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia and New Zealand, and who has satisfied an authorized body in that economy, operating in accordance with the criteria and procedures approved by the APEC Engineer Coordinating Committee.
Further information about the APEC Engineer Register can be found here.